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EHR Software Trends for Mental and Behavioral Health | KCare

Written by Paolo Bettoni | Jun 6, 2023 8:41:00 PM

At KCare, we stay on top of EHR software trends. As technology advances at breakneck speeds, an outdated EHR system will only slow you down and cause more harm than help. Here are seven top trends currently affecting the EHR software industry. 

EHR Security

Organizations today are increasingly reliant on digital technologies. While technology is innovating and changing how businesses provide services, it does also have a downside. Technology makes you more susceptible to cyberattacks. Maybe you recall the hacking incident recently that put LastPass customers at risk due to cyber criminals stealing customer password vaults. That was a major scare in the cyber world, and it alerts us to the fact that cyberattacks are on the rise, and they are increasing in complexity. This makes it all the more crucial to protect your sensitive data. EHR security is going to be at the top of future trends in software platforms.

HIPAA compliance is one major EHR security measure that helps protect client data. From small to large organizations, complying with HIPAA rules and regulations improves any organization's' security posture. Exym software, from KCare, helps you set up tools and processes that bring you into compliance with HIPAA, thereby protecting you and your clients.

With more and more EHR software platforms becoming mobile, organizations also have to think about what new attack vectors are created when the physical perimeter of the office is not the only thing to secure. Think about clinicians being on the road, or clients themselves receiving at-home services. EHR security measures with HIPAA compliance help you analyze all the risk factors and create a comprehensive plan to mitigate risks across the board.

EHR Tools

Agencies are looking for EHR tools that allow their organization to do more with less. The tools you use can make or break you, and with fewer workers and more cases to cover, there is definitely a need for increased productivity.

Using Exym EHR Analytics ensures you get clean, accurate data. This data can then be used to your full advantage with these EHR tools:

  • Powerful BI Tools: Business Intelligence allows you to pull more helpful insights out of your data. You can get insights into your organization's internal processes that will help you make data-based decisions. Activity-based reports can then move right into outcome-based insights.
  • Real-time Data Analytics: Analyzing your data, as it is collected, gives you the immediate feedback you need to make the best decisions.
  • Decision Support Systems (DSS): These powerful EHR analytics systems analyze large amounts of data and help you find the best options available for your organization.
  • Predictive Analytics: Using past and current data, EHR analytics predict what could happen in the future so that you can plan accordingly.

As AI takes center stage and more processes become automated, your organization will have less need for manual processes. You may find yourself rethinking your day-to-day activities, streamlining some aspects, and completely eliminating others, giving you more time to be productive. 

We believe that future EHR tools and trends will help you simplify everything you do. The number of steps will be reduced, making the most common tasks easier and faster.

Better User Experience

At Exym, we are seeing an increase in users who say they "want to use" EHR software over users who say they "have to use it." This change in attitude is due to a dominating belief that user experience is important. A good user interface (UI) and user experience design (UX) make EHR software a pleasure to work with.

Part of a great user experience is increased accessibility. Giving users access to their EHR software system on their mobile devices and tablets is key to improving their overall experience. Mobile-first solutions will increase accessibility, allow organizations to reach a wider range of clients, and provide more accessible services to those who need them most. Users will likely reach a point where their only interface is their phone or tablet, making it easy for them to do their work while they are out and about.

Clients need to have good experiences, too. Better client-agency in EHR software gives clients more visibility into what is contained in their EHR and who has access to it. They will also have more input into what information is put in their EHR.

EHR Software Interoperability and Standardization

One major challenge in the world of EHR software is the lack of compatibility between different systems. In the future, we see a greater emphasis on creating standards and solutions that allow for better integration between different EHR software systems.

Some standardization comes in the form of HIPAA regulations, which were already discussed. In coming years, there will be even more standardization that will allow you to easily and safely exchange data with other parties, including:  agencies, hospitals, providers, Health Information Exchanges (HIE), public health registries, third-party apps you may want to integrate with, and third-party devices such as wearables or other medical devices. 

The future is interconnected in more ways than you can imagine, and EHR software systems are rising to the occasion.

Outcome-Based Care Tracking Capabilities

Outcome-based care will help improve the overall quality of the care you provide. As we move from a service-led model to an outcome-led model, social service providers will focus on the specific outcomes that are most important to their clients. By measuring and tracking these outcomes, providers can determine if their interventions are having the desired effect, and then they can adjust as necessary. As you use new data management EHR tools to increase your productivity, you will also make use of your EHR analytics data to make good decisions for the future. This will result in improved care as well as cost savings for your organization.

Partnering to Improve Care

Involving clients more in their own mental and behavioral healthcare results in more patient engagement and empowerment. EHR software will be designed with the patients' user experience in mind to allow for easy access to their health information.

You can look for outcome-based reimbursements, which means the amount that patients pay depends on the treatment’s success. 

Clients will also be able to access provider scorecards, which are documents that detail each provider's performance based on key elements, giving clients a better way to make their decisions.

Telehealth and Remote Care

Telehealth and remote care options will continue to improve over time, boosting collaboration between the provider and the client. EHR software platforms will provide portals to improve communications, improve access to services, and allow for ease of data-sharing without compromising the client's security. We will also see an increase in remote patient monitoring.

Are You Ready for the Future of EHR Software?

Get onboard with KCare's EHR software platform, Exym! We pay close attention to trends and are constantly improving our software to meet your organization's needs and help you improve your care. 

KCare is a suite of innovative software solutions designed for behavioral health and human services organizations. Our industry-leading EHR, case management, and analytics products are designed to boost employee efficiency while improving client outcomes. For over 25 years, providers have trusted KCare to transform how they deliver care through our software solutions, including extendedReach, Exym, and Stabilify.

As a certified B Corporation, we operate our business in accordance with the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability. We are also part of the global Pledge 1% movement, donating 1% of our profits to the communities served by our customers.